Amy Green Amy Green

Three powerful strategies to increase your personal influence

A recent study by the Centre for Leadership Advantage (CLA) asked thousands of managers to identify the one leadership skill they most wanted to develop. The answer was clear - leaders in every industry, at every stage of their career, said they wanted to improve their ability to influence. Here more on our top three strategies for increasing your personal influence.

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Amy Green Amy Green

Atomic Inspire Founder Amy Green On Inspiring Women In Tech

Despite the Covid-19 economic downturn, Atomic Inspire founder Amy Green says now is the perfect time for women to consider launching their career, or transitioning their career into tech. Her company recently launched new virtual training programs during the Covid-19 crisis, on subjects such as personal branding, leadership, communication and professional image to young women in their early to mid-career stages. Find out more what she has to say about women in tech in our latest interview.

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